Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 21, 2009
Today we review the maps for routes possible to taking the RV on to get to Oregon via "the 101". We have seen many routes in which it might be difficult to drive the RV to get to US101. We head south to Napa then west towards the Pacific. We find the route we think we will take tomorrow. It is still early so we think we should not waste the day. Looking at the map we could continue heading west right to the Pacific Ocean. We went West some more and found Bodega Bay. The sky is still cloudy and it's cold on the coastline. It is o.k. But not what we thought the coast would be like. Well, let's head north and see what we get.

What we find is the beauty of the Pacific coast. We turn into one of many beaches. They all have a different name, and of course we can't remember them all. But we do find beautiful rugged beaches. We keep turing off the road to take just “one more shot” of the beach. But around the next turn there is another perfect spot in which to photograph the beach. Finally we say enough and head for home.

We find great roads in which to travel. All of a sudden we are right along the Russian River. That river is noted for its trout fishing and rafting. It flows right along the road for quite a ways. We struggle to find ways to pull off and take a few photos.

How wonderful these United States are. Americans need to travel "the road less traveled" and enjoy all the scenery there is right here. All day long, in my head, I keep remembering the song America the Beautiful.

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