Sunday, September 2, 2007

Day of Rest

Monday, August 27, 2007

Today we wanted to ride down the Lake Huron coastline. Tom was not feeling well, so that was put on hold. Instead we decide to head for home. But, we must cancel our plans for the Labor Day week-end.

We cancel and decide to head to Columbus, Ohio on Tuesday. We call Jacquie and Tim and tell them we will not be coming to Findlay to see them. We cancel our campsite and they tell me it had to be canceled at least 14 days in advance before the holiday weekend to get a refund. I figure they put it on a credit card, that I would fight the charge when it came through if they would not refund the charge.

We start to pack up for a departure the next day. Of course by this time, we don't even remember what day it is or what the date is. We have been gone so long we must look at the cell phones to tell us date, day and time.

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